"Yes We Can!" Never before has that phrase meant so much to so many. And never before have I felt a sense of pride for my country. Barack Obama's Democratic National Convention speech proved for me what Obama has been saying all along. Only in America is his story even possible. That an African American man would be standing on a stage in front of tens of thousands of supporters with a 50 percent chance of being this nation's next president. That is unbelievable to me and mostly it is inspiring. Inspiring because African Americans have been proving since they were brought to this country that they are capable of overcoming the most extreme obstacles set before them. That despite the most dire of situations, African Americans can and will thrive! Obama is not a spokesperson for black America, he is a champion of all people who want more for themselves like accessible and affordable health care, equal wages for men and women and educational opportunities for all. Never did I think I could be this proud to be an American. To be from a country that says "One nation under God," but so many times acts as if only a certain skin color or socio-economic status matters. I might be infected with this thing Obama calls HOPE, but never before has the word hope meant so much and never before has it felt so good to say Yes We Can and believe in it.