It's hard being a blogger and holding a real job that is. I've tried to sneak a few moments at work(my 9-5) to come up with topics for new posts or to read comments but it's always tricky because after 10 minutes my guilty conscience forces me back to my real work. After all I am getting paid to fight terrorism (that's what I do in my real job). I'll blog on my terrorism fighting job later. I'm still trying to figure out how to go about it without having George Bush and his administration down my back. Ooops, I think just mentioning terrorism, Bush and fighting may have red flagged by blog...oh well not that the Patriot Act doesn't allow "them" to do what "they" want anyway. It's late and I'm really just posting to say that I'm serious about this blog and even if it doesn't look like it now my blog is going to be something great...I'm getting there...please continue to support. Remember you don't have to agree with me just please be aware of what's going on in your world!
You're right, blogs are definitely a job. That is why I have started so many and not finished them. I also found it hard to be real on blogs. I started a relationship blog, and since I usually find it hard to write/talk/think about any subject without relating it to my own experience, it was hard to maintain authenticity while not giving up privacy. It is a struggle, and even when I used pseudonyms to "protect the innocent (AND the guilty)," I still ran into friends who read the blog that would say "So, is Mr. Biggz really (insert name here)? Why do you still talk to him, girl? I think you should date the character you call B.C...who is that anyway?" Well, you get the idea. My cute "Sex in the City" style blog had turned into a huge soap opera...starring MYSELF!!! Bad news...
Anyway, I know your blog is destined for greatness, because you are (the support of your uber-intelligent friends will also help...not mentioning any names, ahem, ahem) Your persistence and hard work will pay off. LYLAS!! LOL.
Thanks for your support enigmatic1908! I too am concern about the privacy issue but have resigned to the fact that whatever I write is fair game for criticism and I'm fine with it...right now anyway! The point of my blog is not about being a window into my life, this is not a forum for my woes, but a place where free thought about our most current issues can flow. I hope you continue to read and good luck with your blogs! ;)
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